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Welcome message from Wayne Murphy

Welcome from Mr Murphy Executive Headteacher of the Western Learning Federation

As Executive Headteacher of the Western Learning Federation, I'm delighted to welcome you to our website which will provide you with information about our schools which is made up of Riverbank school, Ty-Gwyn school and Woodlands school are part of the Western Learning Federation.

The Western Learning Federation is unique as we are the only special school federation in Wales. The federation brings together three schools - all unique in their own right all working together with shared values and a determination to provide outstanding education to pupils with additional learning needs. Whilst Riverbank, Ty-Gwyn and Woodlands all have their own school visions and identities, there will be a direct link to those of the Western Learning Federation and as such, these school visions must and are considered a part of the vision of the Western Learning Federation.

The Western Learning Federation promotes all schools as ‘Schools as Learning Organisations’. The foundations are built on a shared vision of ‘learning together to grow and achieve’. The federation provides excellence in governance and creates an environment supporting continuous learning for all staff where collaboration is promoted in a nurturing and ambitious way. There is a culture and ethos of enquiry, innovation and exploration, with a focus on the collation and exchanging of learning knowledge.

Our organisation is committed to learning with and from the external environment as a person-centred learning organisation. The purpose of the Western Learning Federation and the role that schools play is clear; the organisations support a culture of self-reflection, continuous feedback and drive for growing learning leadership. The federation is underpinned by a set of values that define the culture of the three federated schools.

We operate with one governing body with a subcommittee structure that governs over all three schools. Whilst schools have their own identity, they are all operated through one Executive Headteacher and one governing body. This allows the schools to benefit from economies of scale, shared professional learning and shared pupil learning experiences

The Western Learning Federation is about creating something that is unique and complements the excellent pedagogy that exists within each school setting. Our vision rightly inspires, but also complements and develops the outstanding innovation and practice currently in place at Riverbank, Ty Gwyn and Woodlands.  

With best wishes 

Mr Wayne Murphy- Executive Headteacher