Useful websites
SEND Activities- Youth Sport Trust Click the link for a range of interactive videos to copy along to at home. Activities linked to items you may have around the home.
The Sensory Projects A range of free interactive, sensory activities. Lots to choose from stories to music sessions.
Visuals2go A communication aid for pupils who use PECs in school
Mothercould A great website for Sensory Play ideas
Primary Treasure Chest A range of educational games and resources
Primary resources A range of educational resources to cover all 6 AOLEs
Pinterest A useful tool for creative ideas for all learning and play topics
Sparklebox A range of educational resources including games, worksheets and more!
Flamingo Chicks Movement and Dance
Help Kidz Learn Login details are: username: tygwynschool password: tygwynCF5
PurpleMash PurpleMash is a great online resource that develops all 6 areas of learning skills from painting, to numbers, to reading and lots more!