Tap Tap Box
In this area, you will find examples and ideas for Tap Tap Box. This is an activity that Dosbarth Oren enjoy daily through circle time sessions. Tap Tap Box is a great opportunity to develop;
- attention and listening,
- turn-taking skills,
- anticipation,
- communication skills through verbal, PECs and gestures,
- make choices, develop interest and express likes and dislikes.
- Find a box (decorate if you wish)
- Find items around the house that represents a song (maximum of 8)
- Sing 'Tap Tap Box'
- Choose an item from the box (have pictures of the song to challenge pupils, they have to find the item and picture that match)
- Sing the song together out loud or use YouTube (a mix is good)
- Repeat the song 'Tap Tap Box'- have some more turns!
Examples of songs and items
- Rubber duck- five little ducks
- Rubber frog- Five little speckled frogs
- Stretchy materials- shake your sillies out
- Boat toy- row row row your boat
- Fish- 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive
- Bubbles- bubble song
- Animals- Old MacDonald
- Person puppet/toy- If You're Happy and You Know It
- Little alien/person- 5 Little Men
- Egg- Humpty Dumpty
- Stick- Grand Old Duke of York
- Star/bells- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
- Horse figure- Horsey Horsey
- Watch- Hickory Dickory Dock
- Bus- Wheels on the Bus
Plus any others you can think of!
Tap Tap Box example
Tap Tap Box