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School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office.

Pupils Deprivation Grant

The Welsh Government allocates the pupil deprivation grant (PDG) in with the aim of reduce inequalities and removing barriers to education. The school details how this is actioned and costed at Ty Gwyn in our school improvement plan (SIP). A summary of the strategies we utilise to effectively allocate our PDG is shown below:

  • Integration of Literacy and Numeracy into physical activities including specialist rebound therapy sessions
  • Development of communication and body awareness through Touch Therapy
  • Continuation of specialist music sessions which develop communication and engagement with Expressive Arts
  • Enabling access to the Duke of Edinburgh award
  • The continuation and expansion of forest school sessions across the school
  • Training for staff in first aid on a continuing whole school programme
  • Accredited mental health first aid training for key staff
  • Further developing safeguarding at Ty Gwyn by training identified staff in Makaton safeguarding
  • Enabling access to communication, independence and the curriculum through assistive technology support
  • International research Links to support pupils’ access to additional languages and Digital Competence

Statutory policies

Non-Statutory Policies