Eco School & Eco Council
The Dirt is good project.
The 'Dirt is good' project was undertaken by Ty Gwyn in 20-21 to take positive action for a better world. To help develop enthusiasm/interest and a thirst to discover and unleash the potential to do good in our environment.
The children helped to clean the pond and surrounding area, plant new pond plants, add stones and tadpoles developing a new habitat in school contributing to biodiversity.
Some of the pupils enjoyed the hands on work and got stuck in but some watched, this created great interest.
Recycling bins are used in all classes and pupils are encouraged to take part in class waste management, thinking about the correct bin for the correct item.
Ty Gwyn being commited to recycling, in 2018 linked with Terracycle to collect and recycle crisp packets. The pupils collected crisp packets from home and enjoyed posting and storing them in a purpose made box.
During the Covid pandemic when collection was limited we connected with a health food shop in Whitchurch called ‘ Iachi Da’ where there was a collection point.
School Grounds
In the PMLD playground the pupils were supported in a gardening project. They weeded, cleared and dug the raised beds. Enriched the soil with more top soil and planted new perennial plants to increase the bio diversity and encourage wildlife.
The Queen's Canopy and The Platinum Jubilee Celebration
Trees were given to Councils and Schools across the country for The Platinum Jubilee celebration for Queen Elizabeth II. The Western Learning Campus shared some small sappling trees between the 3 schools. The Student Council was involved in choosing the trees and they were then planted around the school.